In this article we will learn few basic LSNRCTL commands .these commands may be very common for DBAs but for NON-DBA it is good to know these basic DB command .If you run command : lsnrctl help this will return list of available listener commands .
Screenshot of listener help command for Oracle 12c Database -
Lets learn few frequently used commands
1. Get list of services -
If you want to check what are all services running you can check with below command.
command will return like output shared in below screenshot -
Command : lsnrctl services
2. Check listener
status -
If we want to check if litner is running or not we can use below command , command will return the output like shared below -
Command :
lsnrctl status
3. Start Oracle
listener -
If the Oracle listener is not running, start
the listener using below command, This will start all the listeners. If you
want to start a specific listener, specify the listener name next to start
Command : lsnrctl start
4. Stop Oracle listener
Command : lsnrctl stop
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